Most Common Eczema Triggers to Avoid


Do you suffer from swollen patches of dry, itchy red skin? You could have eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis. The most common eczema triggers are from preventable environmental sources. Here are several you should avoid:

Hot Water

Believe it or not, hot water can be a major irritant to your skin. Here are some tips to protect yourself from this common offender:

  • Use lukewarm water when showering or washing your hands.
  • Pat dry instead of rubbing your skin dry after showering.
  • Leave your skin a little damp before applying lotion.
  • Use lotion immediately after you shower or wash your hands.
  • Only use lotion you know won’t irritate your skin.

Dry Air

If your eczema seems to get worse during winter months it is usually because of the dry air. Heaters can really zap out the moisture in your home. You can do the following to fight the dry air:

  • Use a humidifier in your home to keep the air moist.
  • Apply lotion several times a day.


Everyday your body comes into contact with environmental chemicals such as smoke, perfume, and cleaning supplies. Try these tips:

  • Don’t wear perfume or use air fresheners.
  • Avoid smoke and it’s a great time to quit if you are a smoker.
  • Use natural cleaning supplies and use gloves when cleaning.


Chemicals that are contained in most detergents can be very irritating to your skin. Be careful of what type soap you use to wash your body and your clothes. Look for the following things:

  • Find detergents that contain natural ingredients and are fragrance and dye free.
  • Buy detergents that are for sensitive skin and avoid fabric softeners.
  • Pick shampoos and soaps that are natural and gentle on the skin.


A flare up of eczema can be an indication of stress and tension. You release a stress hormone when you feel pressure or are feeling anxiety. This can cause inflammation in your skin. Tips to combat stress:

  • Find a way to relax through exercise, yoga, or meditation.
  • Make sure you are getting enough sleep.
  • Take care of yourself and eat healthy.


If you suffer from environmental allergies such as dust or pollen, try to avoid them. If you have food sensitivities look for ways to eliminate these foods. Here are other ways to avoid allergens:

  • Keep your environment clean by dusting, vacuuming, and washing bedding in mild soap regularly. Purchase allergy protective coverings for your mattress and pillows.
  • If you have food sensitivities find healthy alternatives to these foods to support your immune system.

If you are unable to find relief you should visit your doctor to see if you have a skin infection, like staph or candida. You might need professional help to get rid of your eczema.