Please Watch Candela’s Videos

Norberto was just a two month old infant when doctors started prescribing steroid creams for his severe eczema. Norberto became dependent on steroids which were present in a variety of creams that were prescribed and in one case custom compounded.

None of the prescriptions and over the counter creams eliminated the itch or pain. Norberto could not sleep, could not attend day care, and most importantly could not gain weight.

He remained addicted to the steroids until his mother attempted to stop giving him steroids. The withdrawal became so severe that they ended up taking him to the emergency room and he was put back on steroids.

Since treatment began with EczeMate, Norberto has been 57 days free of steroids and has gained over two pounds in weight. In less than two weeks, his skin became 90%+ clear and he stopped itching.

A miracle happened! He began to sleep through the night, along with every member of the family. Please watch his family video and visit our website or join our social community for more information on how to purchase and use EczeMate.

“So get it… Try it… It’s worth it. Plus, the doctor, he’s a genius. I told my husband I can’t believe it. Finally, we found something. We found a product that is working.”   -Candela